Naturopathic Services
Primary Care: Lab Review, Acupuncture, Hormone Optimization Therapies,Sports Medicine and Injury Prevention, Peptide Therapy, B12/Fat Buster (MIC) Shots,and Medication Management/Botanical Medicine.
Pain Management/Regenerative Medicine: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Prolotherapy, Perineural, Trigger Point, Manual Muscle Therapy,Cupping, Dry Needling, and Stem Cells.
IV Therapy: Hydration, Immune, Vitamin C, Stem Cell, and Nerve Regeneration
Primary Care:
–Nutritional Counseling
–LabReview– (30-60 min) with comprehensive report
–Acupuncture– Helps relieve headaches/migraines, low back pain, and other health challenges
–HormoneOptimization Therapies– Thyroid/ (Estrogen, testosterone, progesterone)
–SportsMedicine and Injury Prevention
–PeptideTherapy– Hormones, weight loss, anti- aging, joint support
–B12/Fat Buster (MIC) Shots– Energy and weight loss
–MedicationManagement/Botanical Medicine
Pain Management/Regenerative Medicine:
–Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)– Enhance the body’s natural ability to repair tendons, ligaments, and joints
–Prolotherapy- Injection therapy for natural alignment and joint repair
–Perineural– Injection therapy targeting superficial nerves for pain relief
–Trigger Point– Relaxes muscles and relieves pain
–Manual Muscle Therapy– Uses specialty tools to increase blood flow, remove waste, and breakup adhesions- reducing pain
–Cupping– Restores better motion and circulation giving long standing pain relief
–Dry Needling– Fast, effective pain relief.Reduces tension and trigger points in the muscles
–Stem Cells– HIGHEST LEVEL repair for damaged tissues in conditions such as tendonitis, joint pain, ligament damage, arthritis, bursitis, muscular injuries, and some organ damage. Also used for diabetic improvement, asthma and COPD and cardiovascular concerns
IV Infusion Therapy:
–Hydration– Contains Electrolytes &Minerals
–Immune– Contains essentials to boost immunesystem
–Vitamin C– Highest antioxidant support for illness & recovery-Stem Cell
–Hydrogen Peroxide– Fights inflammation and infections
–Nerve Regeneration– Brain Health and nerve related issues